Northwest United Methodist Church
Monday, December 30, 2024
Northwest Children's Learning Center
We strive to have as much Teacher - Parent contact and communication as possible. This helps keep everyone informed and aware of what is going on with their child's development and ways they can help. We offer training sessions and post anything we find going on around town that mught be of interest or helpful.
He are some of the resources we provide: COMMUNITY RESOURCES
Resource & Referral Agency for St. Joseph County
Early Childhood Alliance.....1-800-423-1498 or
Call for help 2-1-1 Need help or information about food, shelter, housing, health care, counseling,
clothing, education or visit
Basic Needs (Child Welfare, Early Intervention-Special-Education Screening & Assessment,
Child Care Subsidy)
Child Protective Services.....574-232-3042
Housing Authority of the City of South Bend (Public housing).....574-235-9346
Brightpoint Office (Child care voucher).....800-423-3506 or
First Steps of North East Indiana.....574-293-2813
(Serving Children with special needs ages 0-3).....1-866-725-2398
S.N.A.P.-South Bend Community Schools.....574-283-8130
(Serving children with special needs ages 3 & older)
Health (Oral Health, Nutrition, Health)
Indiana Poison Control Center.....1-800-222-1222
Pediatrician- Dr. George Horvath, MD (NCLC consulting physician).....574-233-7337
Dentist-Dr. David Fishbaugh, DDS, MS (NCLC consulting dentist).....574-273-8393
Angel Food Ministries.....574-291-4141
Logan Center (Resource for people with disabilities).....574-289-4831
IN Source (Indiana resource center for families with special needs).....574-234-7101
Children’s Dispensary (Resource Center for children
ages 5-20 with special needs).....574-234-1169
Hearing and Speech Center at United Health Services.....574-234-3136
Mental Health (Parenting Programs)
Samaritan Counseling Center (family and individual counseling).....574-277-0274
Oaklawn (Residential and out-patient mental health services).....574-533-1234
SOPHIA Group (Parent workshops, counseling services).....574-280-8199